
Diego A. Pizzagalli, PhD
Director, Center for Depression, Anxiety and Stress Research
Director of Research, Division of Depression & Anxiety Disorders
Director, McLean Imaging Center
Director, Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
CDASR office: deMarneffe Building, Room 233C
CDASR phone: 617-855-4230
MIC office: McLean Imaging Center, Room 130
MIC phone: 617-855-2797
FAX: 617-855-4231
Email: dap@mclean.harvard.edu

Emily Belleau, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: McLean Imaging Center, office 107
Phone: 617-855-4245
Email: ebelleau@mclean.harvard.edu

Andrea Cataldo, PhD
Instructor, Department of Psychiatry
Assistant Neuroscientist
Motivated Learning & Memory Lab
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 225
Phone: 781-243-9593
Email: amcataldo@mclean.harvard.edu

Kevin Clancy, PhD
Instructor, Department of Psychiatry
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 226
Phone: 617-855-2120
Email: kclancy@mclean.harvard.edu
Rotem Dan, PhD
Instructor, Department of Psychiatry
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 233A
Phone: 617-855-2919
Email: rdanyogev@mclean.harvard.edu

Daniel Dillon, PhD
Director, Motivated Learning & Memory Laboratory
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 244
Phone: 617-855-4233
Email: ddillon@mclean.harvard.edu

Hadar Fisher, PhD
Instructor, Department of Psychiatry
Treatment and Etiology of Depression in Youth Laboratory
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 239
Phone: 617-855-7814
Email: hbfisher@mclean.harvard.edu

Manuel Kuhn, PhD
Director, Neuroimaging and Instrumentation Core
Instructor, Department of Psychiatry
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 233B
Phone: 617-855-4429
Email: mkuhn@mclean.harvard.edu

Poornima Kumar, PhD
Director, COMputational Psychopathology (COMP) Group
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: McLean Imaging Center Office 107
Phone: 617-855-4244
Email: pkumar@mclean.harvard.edu
Ty Lees, PhD
Instructor, Department of Psychiatry
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 231
Phone: 617-855-4428
Email: tlees@mclean.harvard.edu

Arkadiy Maksimovskiy, PhD
Instructor, Department of Psychiatry
Motivated Learning & Memory Laboratory
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 225
Phone: 617-855-2672

Isabelle M. Rosso, PhD
Director, Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
Associate Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 232
Phone: 617-855-2607
Email: irosso@hms.harvard.edu

Michelle Thai, PhD
Instructor, Department of Psychiatry
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 231
Phone: 617-855-4434
Email: methai@mclean.harvard.edu

Christian Webb, PhD
Director, Treatment and Etiology of Depression in Youth Laboratory
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 240
Phone: 617-855-4429
Email: cwebb@mclean.harvard.edu
Lab Website: https://WebbsLab.comPost-doctoral Fellows

Mario Bogdanov, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 231
Phone: 617-855-7366
Email: mbogdanov1@mclean.harvard.edu

Kreshnik Burani, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Motivated Learning and Memory Laboratory
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 225
Phone: 617-855-4249
Email: kburani@mclean.harvard.edu

Steven Granger, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
Affective Neuroscience of Trauma and Resilience Lab
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: Oaks Building, office 330
Email: sgranger@mclean.harvard.edu

Mohammad S.E. Sendi, PhD
T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: Oaks Building, office 328
Phone: 617-855-3479
Email: msendi@mclean.harvard.edu

Andreas Strube, PhD
Graduate Trainee
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 233A
Phone: 617-855-4421
Email: astrube@mclean.harvard.edu
Research Assistants and Staff

Eylul Akman, BS
Clinical Research Assistant
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Office: Oaks Building, Room 358
Phone: 617-855-2268
Email: eakman@partners.org

Madeline Alexander, PhD
Director of Clinical Assessment
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 234
Phone: 617-855-4435

Claire Anderson, BA
Clinical Research Assistant
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 233
Phone: 617-855-4421
Email: canderson1@mclean.harvard.edu

Katie Azadi
Administrative Manager
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 242
Phone: 617-855-4247
Email: kazadi@mclean.harvard.edu

David Crowley, ALM
Manager of LATN Research Operations
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 233B
Phone: 617-855-4432
Email: djcrowley@mclean.harvard.edu

Rebecca Dunayev, BS
Clinical Research Assistant
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 229
Phone: 617-855-4425
Email: rdunayev@mclean.harvard.edu

Nigel Jaffe, BA
Clinical Research Assistant
Treatment and Etiology of Depression in Youth Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 239
Phone: 617-855-4246
Email: njaffe@mclean.harvard.edu

Sydney Jobson, BA
Clinical Research Assistant
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Office: Oaks Building, Room 358
Phone: 617-855-2268
Email: sjobson@mclean.harvard.edu
Janice Kiley
Senior Grant Manager
Center for Depression, Anxiety and Stress Research
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 242
Phone: 617-855-4241
Email: jkiley@mclean.harvard.edu

Tracy Lam
Clinical Research Assistant
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 233
Phone: 617-855-4431
Email: clam@mclean.harvard.edu 
Monica Landi, MSW
Clinical Interviewer
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 234
Phone: 617-855-2132
Email: mlandi@mclean.harvard.edu

Adrian Medina, MPH, EdM
Senior Research Assistant
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: McLean Imaging Center, office 105
Email: aamedina@mclean.harvard.edu

Emma Palermo, BA
Clinical Research Assistant
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 229
Phone: 617-855-4412
Email: ehpalermo@mclean.harvard.edu

Kristina Pidvirny, BS
Clinical Research Assistant
Treatment and Etiology of Depression in Youth Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 238
Phone: 617-855-4195
Email: kpidvirny@mclean.harvard.edu

Yara Pollmann, BS
Clinical Research Assistant
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 224
Phone: 617-855-2268
Email: ypollmann@mclean.harvard.edu

Molly Sapperstein, BS
Clinical Research Assistant
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 229
Phone: 617-855-2247
Email: msapperstein@mclean.harvard.edu

Nicola Sharp, MS
Clinical Research Assistant
Motivated Learning & Memory Laboratory
McLean Hospital

Arnav Shiva, BA
Clinical Research Assistant
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 229
Phone: 617-855-4439
Email: ashiva@mclean.harvard.edu

Sarah Syed, BS, BA
Clinical Research Assistant
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 230
Phone: 617-855-4430
Email: ssyed7@mclean.harvard.edu

Isabelle Vratimos, BA
Clinical Research Assistant
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, Room 224
Phone: 617-855-2268
Email: ivratimos@mgb.org 
Madeline Ward, BA
Clinical Interviewer
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 235
Email: mward@mclean.harvard.edu

Sylvie Weinstein, BA
Clinical Research Assistant
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Office: Oaks Building, office 358
Phone: 617-855-2268
Email: sjweinstein@mclean.harvard.edu

Ethan Zhang, BA
Clinical Research Assistant
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building, office 230
Phone: 617-855-7217
Email: ezhang24@mclean.harvard.edu Students and Visiting Scholars

Rhea Anand
Undergraduate Intern
Treatment and Etiology of Depression in Youth (TEDY) Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Email: ranand3@mclean.harvard.edu
A.B. candidate (2026), Psychology, Harvard University

Julianna Buchbinder
Undergraduate Intern
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
B.S. candidate (2025), Psychology, Northeastern University

Amelia Carlan
Undergraduate Coop Student
Treatment and Etiology of Depression in Youth (TEDY) Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Email: acarlan@mclean.harvard.edu
B.S. candidate (2026), Psychology, Northeastern University

Valentina Cvackova
Undergraduate Intern
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
B.S. Candidate (2024), Clinical Neuroscience, University of Rhode Island

Mary Elliot
Undergraduate Intern
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Email: melliot2@mclean.harvard.edu
B.A. candidate (2026), Psychology, Middlebury College

Tucker Ellis
Undergraduate Intern
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Email: teellis@mclean.harvard.edu
B.S. Candidate (2025), Biopsychology, Tufts University

Mira Gandhi
Undergraduate Coop Student
Treatment and Etiology of Depression in Youth (TEDY) Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Email: mgandhi8@mclean.harvard.edu
B.S. candidate (2025), Psychology, Northeastern University

Gaeun Lee
Undergraduate Intern
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Email: glee37@mclean.harvard.edu
B.S. candidate (2026), Psychology, Yale University

Megan Putvinski
Undergraduate Coop Student
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Email: mputvinski@mclean.harvard.edu
B.S. candidate (2026), Behavioral Neuroscience, Northeastern University

Dahlia Shadid
Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Email: dshadid@mgb.org
B.A. candidate (2025), Clinical Psychology and Art History, Tufts University

Sara Shao, BS
Graduate Intern
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Email: sshao2@mclean.harvard.edu
B.S., Statistics (Data Science) & Psychology, Duke University

Valeria Strohmeier
Undergraduate Intern
Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building
Email: vstrohmeier@mclean.harvard.edu
B.A. Candidate (2025), Clinical Psychology, Tufts University

Mia Vaidean
Undergraduate Intern
Treatment and Etiology of Depression in Youth Laboratory
McLean Hospital
Office: deMarneffe Building
Email: mvaidean@mclean.harvard.edu
B.S. Candidate (2026), Psychology, Northeastern University